There was someone who said to me, two months back, that this thing of having love and being loved in return is nothing but a bucket full of nothing, it will not pay the bills but money will. I looked at this person and I thought to myself is he serious. and then, i thought of all the other things that he has said to me before that and there was so much information that did not make sense so I kept my mouth shut like I always do.

In simple language what the quote above means is that, having knowledge gives you the right to speak about some topics although it might be wiser to rather listen first and hear if its necessary for you to contribute and so learn more. What most of us are more concerned with is always having something to say but never ready to just listen. On Monday night, I was with my sister and i was seeking advice on how to handle things regarding my relationship and was that when I know very well that I cannot pretend even if it is to save my life, so moving around as if I am okay will not help me instead it will tear down the foundation that I have built especially knowing very well how I really feel about this person. At the end of the day it is not really about the other person but myself. I had to listen to my sister tell me that  I tend to justify the other person's behaviour and although I was a bit hurt, I was happy that I could count on her to be straight with and tell me these things so i can grow as a person. I know that I tend to bottle things up because its more convenient for the person and I would use the above quote although its not relevant. 

There is usually so much confusion when we do not communicate or address the issues in our lives that have turned themselves into walls or barriers, I am not an expert about the speaking because I do not mind listening even if it means the only thing I can contribute is to indicate that I am following the conversation. It only occured to me a few days back that most people what a form of response or rather a comment. we must understand that reading a situation first is important before responding because most of us just listen to respond and nothing else.


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