There has been a lot of uproar on the whole "Blesser" topic so I thought, why not? It has trended on  twitter for days with poor kids being exposed, there are facebook pages on it and now theres even a website called Blesserfinder and it was even feaured on checkpoint, tuesday night. This very Blesser was or is what we call a Sugar Daddy but moving with the times as well as the reaction of and posts of hashtags has led to a name change.

It seems as if most youngsters do not have a clue about what they are putting themselves into, the trend and the benefits of it excites these girls and no one actually thinks about the future, the present nor the consequences of what all of this may lead to. Yesterday, on campus my friends and I were actually having a serious conversation about being a blesser and a blessee, the expectations and the safety of it, including the benefits. One of the guys pointed out that spending all that money and not securing your future when you are getting it at such a high price is foolish and then who do you expect to marry you when you are done with your "life". My girls then went on to say that when involving yourself in such one has to have a bit of direction and the way you do it must make and have a little bit of sense. It came to my attention that most the girls just want money that they can spend on anything, being broke has become a stigma that women or rather society is trying to break away from. Now, connect that with being in college and broke and not being able to go out with your friends each and every night when you guys have plans, using the latest gadgets and having the latest phones, trust me i feel like the world has become a little bit too materialistic for my liking as well. 

I am not here to justify nor judge what these people are doing, but why are not fearful anymore, what has become of this world?  Is this really where we are going, our fathers, husbands and friends are being led to this deed which for my concern is how unsafe it is because most of these people do not really receive or are given these gifts for free, there is a contract involved and i feel like money is nothing compared to this price. I think about what is next when your blesser journey has ended. Women used to pride themselves with being independed but now all we think about is I need to get that pair of boots and we are not even afraid of what we might take with us when we have left. I do not want to put too much emphasis on the blessee because its not only them who are involved in this and taking all the decisions. The other thing, as a blesser how would you feel if that was your daughter with an old man giving them everything they want just for their soul. 

When I started this article I did point out that I am not here to judge, we all have reasons that may or may not be valid enough wit the third party. What i suggest is that if you are woman and you are going to get involved in situations like these the least you can do for yourself is be safe at all times, look after yourself because that is what is important and think like a woman not a girl and remember to always consider if it will be relevant in the next 10 years or will it be that one secret you have kept with you till you return to dust. Whatever you do make sure that you do not get other people involved and drag them down with you because they were not a part of your decision when you took it.  I hope that this decision that you have taken now will not come to bite you in the back later as that would be a real shame. 


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