Lurking Beneath

I think most of you have watched the "Cat Woman" movie. The truth is for a long time I didn't  understand what my interest was, so i decided to do a bit of research for my own curiosity. What I discovered was how most women have a side that only a few have seen, I would not say that those people were fortunate but rather were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and managed to come across this Devil in a Red dress.  This is one character that lurks beneath the good, like an alter ego that only comes out after one has gone through a bad ordeal specifically pain and she is fun to be around, a freak and causes a lot more confusion than help with anything.

I seem to like this character though, you see like a cat she does not trust anyone instead she uses the need that people want to earn her trust to her advantage. We try to surpress her most of the time as her ways are pure instinct and no good can come of her being discovered. We are usually told that a woman is not supposed to be wild and must behave in a certain way while most of us good girls just had a bit of practice on what needs to be seen and by who. Kitty means well but she is ruthless and could not care less about who gets hurt long as she has accomplished what was needed at the time.
The thing is I don't like being confused and its evident when she starts trying to show her ugly head that something is wrong so to keep the pose you go back to what keeps you grounded not what encourages her although going back to the wild is like heroin or rather a painkiller when you are on your period it takes you to lala land where the pain and lies do not exist and cannot.

We love being bad because its so easy to do, totally automatic and fun one does not really have to do too much to be bad just take off the mask and put all cards on the table. When making long term decisions you do not ever use Kitty, you need sanity.


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