Thank You

"It is the promises you make that you keep
when you said that I shall not weep
no more

I was a lost soul until I heard your plea
Our eyes met and only gravity was one another"

Most of us have heard but never experienced and I had lost hope when you rescued me from myself
My knight, prince, my David maybe?
There is no love song that can explain this promise that you have kept, I know that I may not see it that way now because I am hurting and the only pain that I did not want in the first place but i exposed myself to you and I do not regret the decision that I have made to do just that.

"If that wich you wish to have is to so much fall on your lap, do you think that you are ready to grab with both hands and take care of it the way you had promised to?"

I remember when you said that, my main priority is that you are safe and I will do anything to protect you even if it means that I will have to sacrifice myself. These words take me back to twilight I know that it may be cliche but it takes me back to this image:

Is this really too much to ask?

I want my own love story, no script , just mine alone and I think that when I found you I found a small bit of it or rather the beginning of it, the end is just in progress not really what I want to think but how can I not when you have kept your word. Your righteousness, honesty, sacrifice and  then I wonder maybe it was doomed from the start like Romeo and Juliet a love story that ends in a tragedy and  has inspired many to write their own. I did not want this, or to be where I am right now writing about something that had happened and then it takes e back to "Dear John" the movie one summer, one moment and it was all gone it is also a love story that teaches one that sometimes or rather most of the time it only takes a moment to know exactly what you have, take advantage move forward do not wait it. It does not have to be another, what if? Could have, maybe if i had. One moment just one step forward not thinking about the coming years is all we need to take the right step at that moment.
Be a little kid go after it. I am not a fan of promises because human beings have poor backgrounds when it comes to keeping them and I made it clear when you opened your mouth the first time to make one and then you looked me in the eye and made it anyway.

I have no doubt to how genuine your word or you are, have been to me. My thoughts were right about one thing though that I would know if it was time and it happened exactly like I thought that it would, it is not in the destination but the journey how the experience is laid out.
It is because of you that I am not afraid anymore, that I can trust without a doubt and fear is not in my vocabulary anymore, that I am able to take that leap of faith and not look back at what "had happened". It is your promise to protect me that I am writing this right now and although I miss you very much and I wish I could call you and tell you that I miss you and I love you that this should not be the end I know that I will hurt you and I promised not to do that. 

It is said that the decisions that count the most are those that are hard to make, this one was a death sentence to us both, Thank you for putting my needs first I honestly appreciate your honesty who could have known but I guess there are other plans waiting for us. It could be right person wrong time I do not know but one thing is for sure you were right I love you for you everything else is just a bonus something and I am going to keep that vow. I had a funny, open, sneaky, forbidden, right yet rare something with you, you introduced me to a life that I did not see myself exposed to and yet you changed that I was willing to do anything and so were you



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