What is it about being corrected that most people will never appreciate?

In life we come across people who never want to be wrong, these very same people will even go to the lengths of actually making calls, showing you that yes what you have just said is not even worth your argument.

A few weeks back or rather almost two months back we were doing a study at HOMECELL this is a platform for new/old believers to interact with each other, speak about the word of God, help one another grow spiritually and exchange ideas on everyday situations that we struggle with or need advice and or light on.

The study was based on a book by Dale Carnegie "How to Win Friends and Influence People" which I got myself a copy of the book, for my own research. If you have not read this book trust me its a great read get yourself a copy and learn how the human mind works.

This book gives you an insight on how to free yourself from the forces of mental slavery, in fact like many others it gives you step by step solutions on how to act and how the different types of situations affect different kinds of people. It also informs you on how to handle complaints, avoid arguments, keep your human contacts smooth and pleasant , It tells you how to win arguments by simply avoiding them.

My friends and I have been going through a phase where we fought a lot and trust me it did not even end well most of the time. We got to a point where everyone was keeping secrets and it just made the relationship even harder to repair, one would actually voice their opinion and how they see the situation being better handled and the other person would feel attacked. We could not say anything to each other or comment on anything not to mention making an innocent joke without anyone feeling like they are being attacked. I hate fights its true be it words or physical,  you can never take back any of those things once said,you must deal with whatever comes next which is very hard to determine.

It is only during these tough months that one grows as a friend, sister and for some maybe even lovers. We as humans do not want to be corrected and it is a very bad habit. If you do not allow yourself to accept healthy criticism you will not grow as a person.

Where there are fights,misunderstandings are sure to follow, then pride will creep in and that is where gossip starts. Gossip on the other hand is very addictive the minute you start just prepare yourself to worsen the situation because everything that will come out of your mouth will be nothing but gossip.

This world is full of criticism good and bad but its your reaction that matters most and how you as a person are willing to actually approach such situations. When getting your point across you must not shove it down peoples throats. We are not meant to agree but if there is an opinion we have its okay to say it politely so, what the receiver is going to do with it has nothing to do with us.
When we tell people how wrong they are we leave them feeling inferior and very stupid which in turn does not make them like you, instead you create an enemy of someone. By correcting someone you do not seem smart and believe me that person will never praise you or ever give you credit on anything.

Remember no one wants to live alone no matter how much we say we hate everyone even our parents, we do not want to be alone and if we learn to understand how other people think, and handle different issues we also make stronger connections and relationships while we grow into better people.


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