
It is a rare companionship,one only comes across it once in a lifetime and if you are as lucky as i consider myself. It is one u have been blessed with since you were just a little kid.

We fight like sisters,laugh like cousins,protect each other like family and always together like "monwana le lonala"finger and nail.
They know that the other one cannot be around without the other it has always been like that and one cannot really mess with nature.

We share a birth month,starsign,we always wnted to go to the same educational institution but life does not always workout the way you wan it to.
If i count the people who have always had my back she comes to mind. We have always had a connection even when we were kids before we even realized that this friendship is nothing to be sneezed at.

It is a gift from the BIG GUY up in the sky he watches over us everyday that passes by and he is the reason this friendship is still standing. You realize that you would do anything for the other person when you pray more about them than yourself and you are not selfish when considering them.
She is a true friend,a sister and he smile and happiness are amongst the most important things in my life.
She has always been there for me no matter what I knew i could count on her. She knows my fears,dreams,pain and sufferings.

I share my triumphs and defeats with her.  She does not judge me instead she encourages me to do better than i already am.
We plan our future together and no one is going to break this bond. If life could be unfair to me I  would always appreciate the friend I have in her honest,loving,caring,loyal and protective. We can go for days without talking and never doubt the friendship we have with each other as we know neglecting the other is never an option and if no one has not complained then nothing is wrong.

I may come across a bit eccentric and shy but with her things get real,someone whom i dont have to constanly explain myself to. As the before i even thing of denying anything to her she already knows I  am not being entirely honest even through the phone and comes up with a solution. WHAT MORE COULD A SISTER ASK FOR.


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