It was during the month of December  and i was listening to BEGIN AGAIN BY TAYLOR SWIFT.

There was something different about you,it was relaxing and your child-like behaviour brought out the kid in me waiting in anticipation to get out. There is something intriguing and fun about you. You act all care free,live in the moment but never forget to take responsibility for your actions. Although most of the time it is as if you do not care at all while you know deep down that you care the most. You love like a girl and act like a typical guy.
there is something about you that keeps me on my toes i believe it is the fact that i know i cannot mess this one opportunity,what we have is something that struck like lightning flashing on a hot sunny day totally unexpected.

You are a friend,advisor and sometimes psychologist but most of the time my motivator. I think about u and pain is never in the picture but rather laughter,teasing and happiness. Honestly i do not want to lose you but your plan to keep me in this position is not making anything easier for me.
I was used to saying goodbye and it being forever something about the song BEGIN AGAIN gave me a light of hope; it was not just about your smile but that night we met you gave me a child-like glow of your face.

It was everyday chats which turned to all day chats,we did not see it coming but we enjoyed it so much we  lost sight of what was really going on. It turned to calls and you would laugh and make every stupid comment under the moon about my defense mechanism. You told me that it is okay to be afraid and that you totally understand that it is going to take time.
You believe that not everyone has their good intentions at heart especially women it is then when i realized that you are hurting although you try so hard to hide it.

The calls turned to every night messages and you would ask if i was going to get used to the real you and understand that you sometimes make comments you do not necessarily mean.  I would reply by saying that my intentions were never to get used to you but rather be open about learning something new about you every time.

I never allowed myself to get too close to you the way i should have,I knew that some day it will all vanish and it was the truth. I am afraid to take a chance where you are involved i dont really know where everything is going to end. The image of you puts a smile on my face something i have not really enjoyed lately but italso pains me knowing that what we both want is not what will please everyone else and its a risk we are going to have to live with if w are going to take a chance and i do not want to be another statistic.

It was never about you and I knew from the moment u made me laugh so loudly that trouble is on its way. You made me forget about everything i was going through especially the pain all over my face. You did not make promises to me but rather said that long as i am trying you are going to stay right where you are and that we are going to go through it together. It was your proverb that paved the way and made everything aas clear as the sky,something out of this earth totally out of gravity deeper into the milky way.

You said that life is not as easy as everyone pretends it is,it did not feel like another day more dissappointments instead everything changed when you walked through that door.
 I spent the last two years thinking that all love ever does is break,burn and end but that was way before i met you and you came and tried to knock down my wall. I am not going to make it official but keep it to myself like a pinky promise made to my bestfriend.

Na se how sentir sobre esto,me siento  no puendo vivir sin tir


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