State of the Country

I believe it is a week today that the SONA (State of the Nation Address) for those of you who do not know what this is, when the presidency decides to make a mockery of South Africa or rather the parliament. It also seems that they get worse every year and guess what all of us were looking forward to all of that which turned out to be the best movie ever produced here.

I am not here to tell you what is wrong nor who is wrong but mainly to give you a voice of what has happened. The EFF was kicked out of parliament and the DA simply walked out; now we all kmow that EFF speak a lot of sense but their approach does not do them any justice at all as they tend to act like spoiled children asking for a toy in the shop and when their request is not granted they rebel and throw themselves on the floor which we all know has never had any effect except getting a beating when you got home. In this scenario we will treat the ANC as the parents who need to be taught a lesson but do not want to listen to children who are mostly disrespectful disregarding the fact that they have very valid points and the fact the the two oppositions get along is of no help. There has been rumours that the EFF has joined hands with the EFF and the elders are shivering in their boots as they do not have any clue as to how this alliance will work out for them in the future. The elders are afraid that they will lose everything if this carries on long enough. There is also the fact that the president has conversed with Mr Trump over the week and we are not sure as to that means.

I have pointed out that the EFF has raised some very serious valid points and we hear them loud and clear but humiliating the country in public even if its just to be heard and do the people right in that manner is not what most of us would want I would like to believe at least.

On others matters at the UFS campus NSFAs has not responded to most of the students on campus and most of them are just attending and have not registered yet. The university has postponed the registration date by a week and we are still without the SRC (Student Representative Council) which makes us quite vulnerable and by the looks of things this term might end without an election if this carries on as there cannot be an election without all students registered. NSFAs say they will respond by the 20th which we do not believe to be true as it is not the only campus without students responded to yet. We also hope for the best as students and that this year will go better than last year with less disruptions. I hope that if our country decides to strike again can we do it wisely and safely, we have lost way too many lives and we know it is not without sacrifice but a little responsibility never hurt anyone.

All the best to every student in the country as well as our leaders, this year promises to surprise and intrigue all of us and there is a whole lot more to come so be prepared to hear from me.


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