Petty or Vengeful?

It came to my attention on Thursday that people are quite spiteful and petty, it seems not everyone is as grown as they appear to be when you get to varsity. People are so obsessed with being popular and  that they make friends with the wrong people thinking that these people care about them when they don't. It also seems that people are not really concerned about loyalty anymore but are rather focused on the demeaning of other people regardless of how this will affect them in any way.

When we grow up I like to believe that our circumstances make us who we are and because we have grown and understand the world a bit better we also do things better than what we would have in the past so when someone is poking you for a response and they keep doing things to you on purpose you asses the situation and decide whether it is a good decision to say something or not. A week before school started I asked God for courage, wisdom and understanding and this time the vibe was different, it wasn't a normal prayer session and when I finished I just knew that my patience will also be tested and that some growing up will be needed if I want to come out victorious. A week later I had to face some very serious challenges in my life and I had to evaluate myself in the process, when people spread lies about you just to feel some other way especially with someone they know very well is not your friend and whenever they see you they turn you into a laughing stock that's the worst so I had to decide to be the bigger person, petty, vengeful or pretentious. It was a very hard decision so I spoke with a few of my friends just to hear their opinion on how I should handle the situation and the response was remarkably interesting. I decided to do whats best for me because I know I will be bored every time I think about it and decided that I will just have to grow up about it.  


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