Inner Turmoi

We are always fighting be it with friends, family, the Devil, God and ourselves. You see war goes deeper than, guns, bombs and takeover. It starts with denial and recognition of another force in place. We are always "so strong" we don't even recognise when we are killing ourselves, when all the strong built wall is beginning to crack and we don't allow God to work we would rather try to close the cracks before they show. What will the people say? That is the wrong question rather ask what would God do? Why me? No! why not you? See this is an individual journey where we each meet people God places in our paths to mould us and give us guidance its what we do with the wisdom that is left to us. You see sometimes God strips you away from something to and allows you to go through other seasons of your life that will put you exactly where He wants you. We can fight with the whole world and be upset as much as we want and let the world be angry at us but God does not grow tired of his sheep. God's work is never done even when we think we are done with him he does not give up so easily. We push the people that matter to us away, no trust because we don't want attachments "we hurt them before they hurt us". We become little kids in the womb of an expecting mother always shielded, walking with ease so not to fall or create comlplications God said "I gave you a spirit of timidity not cowadness." What are you so afraid of LOVE? Why? Your father in heaven loved you soo much he gave his one and only son to die for your sins. Its very easy easy to fight with everyone else, but when it comes to oneself, you end up destroying yourself from the inside. You can lie to the world but you cannot lie to yourself and God, sleepless nights, tears on the pillow, the road to self-destruction. Who are we pleasing? Shouldn't we be living our lives? Ask yourself is this how I want to remember my life? There is an easier way to answers, listening is a skill so they say and even God requires us to be stil "Be still and know that I am God he says.


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