
Humans have always loved being lied to, it is not just love and even in politics.
People just want to believe in this thing that they want so badly even though they know very well how it will not happen nothing but empty promises. We are afraid of change but most of all we are afraid of success that is beyond comprehension. I speak specifically to the black people we do not encourage one another and fight fair instead we would rather  throw one another in the fire or kick each other down the ladder.

We are unable to help each other up and our dreams are just that "dreams' without action. Why is it that we need so much approval from others? Why is it that we are untrustworthy? Why is it that people have to be afraid of black people? Who am i not to be brilliant?

We have the ideas, the resources it is time to help each other up, we already know very well of exactly what it is that we want so why is it that we have been going after it for the last 20 years but to no avail. We would rather watch each other fail over and over and over again.
We will not achieve anything with fear, do you really think that you will get promoted if you are hiding behind someone else at work instead of taking the credit yourself because "apparently"it is not what you want? Brothers and sisters it is time to take a stand stop saying that you cannot do it. there is nothing like that and when an opportunity comes your way grab it with both hands. I read a quote the other day and it said "When an opportunity is being given to you, take it even when you do not know how it is done you will learn everything about it after you have accepted"

It is said that one has to start somewhere, we grew up where society believes that the only way to have money, become rich is to scheme and lie your way there. We do not find many people who are righteous anymore just people who preach and look the part not necessarily doing it. We see stolen money, goods,smuggling and drug dealing etc, people in power and are unable to deliver but do we have to get everything for "mahala"? Yes people need houses, food, kids need parents to take care of that but can we stop for a minute and realize that the reason we are so lazy is only because we are handed everything on a silver platter. We are lazy because the government gives people what they want provides them with these resources that they build and the people destroy.

"People are qualified, others are groomed and others are born to lead" someone said. "With great power comes great responsibility" another said. We should stop shouting change while we are busy doing absolutely nothing, we as the people are good at complaining and making others feel guilty we sit on the sidelines and orchestrate everything sitting on our behind.

We are the new generation and we can make a difference, it starts with me and then it will rub off on YOU. When our plans do not go accordingly we blame it on the ancestors and witchcraft and all the while we just need a little push in the right direction .
We accomplish so much more when we work together side by side, and doing it honestly not stabbing each other on the back nor waiting for each other's downfall.

What does Being BLack mean? many associate with the color well it means more than that, its poverty, neediness and at times recklessness like what happened on that protest in Polokwane that school that was burned to the ground along with the library. That should have never happened and where were the police when this was taking place might i add? We need to pull up our socks young people there is more to life than just partying one night after the other. Drinking our troubles away, waking up to a guy you do not know in the middle of nowhere and doing someones dad just so you can go shopping and look fabulous for the next victim. I believe that we have lost sight of who we actually are.
We need to be human and not emotionless, we are not robots we are of the flesh and acting as such to relate to each other is what is important to us. We are to stop coloring our life it is supposed to be black and white.

The next three articles will touch on the three topics I have already mentioned on this blog wich include politics, schools and YGB.


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