I am going to touch a very sensitive issue today and yes i know you don't want to hear it. You have probably heard it so much that you blocked it out of your tiny brain but hey here it comes


I have been researching this topic for four years now and nothing has changed in fact it gets worse every year. I have been asking people young and old about this specific topic and most of the young ones had this to say "A relationship would never work without sex" "I love sex so much that as much as I love you i will need permission to get it outside" "Why would God create something then not let us perform it" "There is no scripture that says sex before marriage is a sin" "I have to taste before i marry,what if the person is bad in bed?"

The last one really killed me because what does one know about someone being bad in bed,unless you actually have something to compare it to.The reason why our relationships do not work and the divorce rate is so high is because we have let everything that is supposed to be wrong become so wright. 
It just so happens that by the time we reach the age of 20 years we have already had 6 sex partners,countless "almost serious relationships", a baby we didn't plan,an STI, and an interrupted future.

I get it we have been trying to justify the fact that young kids are having sex there is nothing to justify there. Young girls grow up knowing that I'm going to school then college,find myself a good paying job then get married but who is teaching the boys to do the same? Church is the only platform where people are encouraged to get married and have a happy sinless relationship with God. 

Do not misquote me, I am not saying that you have to get married. What i am saying is that the bible clearly says that "BUT BECAUSE THERE IS SO MUCH IMMORALITY,EVERY MAN SHOULD HAVE HIS OWN WIFE, AND EVERY WOMAN HER OWN HUSBAND" _1 Corinthians 7:2 it is not the only scripture there are a lot.

There is nothing wrong with sex it is the aspect in which it is done that determines its wrongness. We have to understand that God created sex and in his intention was for it to produce children. There is nothing wrong with sexual abstinence in fact God wants you to keep yourself pure. 

It is not just about the spark its the long hours on the phone when he is away,the ability to talk for hours even when he/she is just next to you. We cannot try to justify that sex makes up a relationship because it does not.
There is no such thing that in this century one will never find a love like that because it exists do not compromise your standards  because the only way to find yourself a husband is to prove that you love them by sleeping with them. A person who loves you will never ask you to compromise your standard.

There is no difference in our future and past, why do we have to change something that worked so perfectly
as ancient as the events of the bible are we cannot ignore how much it makes sense. I am not an expect on this matter but we have to stop encouraging each other on such behaviour. 

If you should want to read more on this matter here are a few verses:
  • Hebrews 13:4
  • 1 Thessalonians 4:3
  • Acts 15:20
  • 1 Corinthians 5:1 ;6:13 ;18 ; 10:8 
  • 2 Corinthians 12:21
  • Galatians 5:19
  • Ephesians 5:3
  • Colossians 3:5 
  • Jude 7 
Be the change you want to see, let us not speak and not perform


  1. Amen!! Well said Galy #A_person_who_loves_you_will_never_ask_you_to_compromise_your_standard.


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