I was home the other day and was tuned into the radio where they were speaking about an incident that had happened , which is turning out to be one of the rare incidents taking place in the age we live in. A man had lost his wallet in a taxi it seemed and one of the passengers saw it, picked it up and gave it to the taxi driver. The taxi driver,being a good citizen and having thought of everything the poor man could be going through , as the wallet included everything he could possibly need. The taxi driver used the wallet to lead him to the rightful owner. The man was indeed grateful for having his wallet returned to him as he did not have any hope of ever finding it.

This story was interesting in the sense that one hardly hears of incidents where people have their lost belongings returned to them. I know that should I lose an important belonging such as a cellphone, it is unlikely that anybody would return it to the rightful owner. We live in a society and an era where it is okay for people to just take from others what does not belong to them and even at gunpoint.
Is there really no hope for the human race? Have we really gone off the rails so much that we cannot even do what is morally right to another human being?

It is the truth that cellphones have taken over the phone book,video camera, photo albums and everything else basically. It is ethically and morally wrong to feel that you can take, better yet that you have a right to take other people's possessions. possessions that people have worked hard for. people have invested blood, sweat and tears into making sure that they are able  to attain the very possessions that they have.  What gives you the right? Is that what we sweat for   in school to get good grades so we make a better life for ourselves for?

Once a personal valuable possession has been taken from you, you sit and hope that some good Samaritan will stumble upon it and bring it back to you, the rightful owner. When you find someones bank card, you should take it to the bank where they will trace it back to the rightful owner. It really upsets me that we would rather sit with another person's belongings rather than trying to find its owner. What harm would it do to you if you were to help another person out?

I recently moved into a girls only residence,where you are able to go to the study room and leave your things including your laptop and find where you left it. It is more likely that someone would come and give it to you than it go missing. One can even leave their room open and still find everything in its place as we respect each other so much that we would never someone's room without their knowledge or permission.

I hope that i have given you something to really think about and the next time someone asks you to give them something you have worked very hard for slap them in the face with an open letter.


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