Perfect has absolutely nothing to do with your appearance or how good an actress you are when it comes to the person you really are. It is not even about how well everything is going for you but how proudly flawed you are.

People or rather most of us strive for perfection forgetting that we also need to live life to the fullest and freely so,yes most of us choose to be conservative but we do it all fr the wrong reasons hoping that others will have nothing to say about us. We are not alive to satisfy others but rather to live it to our satisfactory yes some have a higher God that they please in order to live a more satisfactory life on earth for both parties.
Growing up i thought that one has to live according to the bible,be obedient to your parents and every adult on earth,helpful and thoughtful to the feelings of other human beings.

We as humans were not made to be perfect at all instead we were made to keep learning and rediscovering who and what we want to be and seen as. If we want to be seen as saints there is no way the world will see you as a saint because although you try to do everything by the book you will slip up not on purpose but you will eventually. Its a human curse to stray away from that which is "right" as it is easiest do what is wrong than right.

Perfection cannot be described. What is perfection anyways? How does it look like?  How does one achieve such pressure in their life? These are some of the questions we need to be constantly asking ourselves.
It is because of imperfections that each and everyone of us is able to tell their own personal story,when i think about this perfection struggle I imagine a world full of the monotonous routines.
Being seen in a certain way only puts more strain in your life than its supposed to,you will always feel like you in the spotlight even when no one is actually watching. You will be forced to live this ridiculous life you have put yourself in yet you could have avoided all that and just lived instead now everything seems and feels like work to you.

Perfection is being rewritten every time we believe we are living proof of what it could look like. It has nothing to do with the society or the other person. Someone else's opinion of what and who you could be is now even near being the definiton of what you have been working so hard to be all these years. It is how you feel when you look in he mirror,are satisfied by the person staring back at you? and YES i mean it figuratively. If God had wanted the same person scattered around the world i believe he would have made clones of us humans instead of giving out an instruction of reproduction. HE made you look,feel,eat,smell,think,and even walk different than the next person even your siblings.

It is time for us to remember that PERFECTION is just a word constantly evolving with generations and we need to stop being so obsessed of our appearances and how we make other people feel instead be ourselves and we will be just as amazed at the kind of people we will attract and spend our lives with.


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