After you have been hurt once most of us become wanderers on earth, we search for things or we just exist merely for one reason being to prove a point that THEY ARE THE SAME OR TO FIND SOMETHING WAY BETTER.
In our quest of finding this "true love" some will either become desperate while others will reconstruct themselves, being the best of themselves.  As I am writing this I believe most of us have already been number one. We get to this stage when we would do anything to keep this person, we don't matter anymore instead all that is important is their happiness.
When we do not hear from them everything else comes crushing down like a ball of fire.

I have never been very pleasing until I thought I was in love only to realize that I was actually young and naïve. I lost myself, sight of what I actually want in life outside of the relationship. Every decision was made considering its effects on the relations.
There is always that one thing that keeps you going, that you will wake up from the nightmare and the fairy tale will eventually find itself back to you.
It only becomes more clearer when you decide to walk another path. You realize that the relationship was nothing but poison that the main reason you feel like you are not growing at all as a person is because you feel trapped in this world of lies and deceit not forgetting anger and pain. It all sounds like its a struggle between what you think makes you happy and the reality behind the story.
in almost a second you weren't just thinking about that person  anymore whatever has been going on all these past months or years you have been able to think about yourself.

Having to hear someone else tell you about the kind of person you are, how annoying you have come to be, how insecure and sensitive you are. Played the blame game over and over again. We don't usually choose the person we change into but because we are being treated in a certain way the action must have a reaction like it is mostly said, "Do unto others as you would like done unto you". as it turns out half of us do not respond well to pain it could be drastic or a life lesson.

Pain usually just teaches you two things crumble under it or be strong wich could actually be the only thing that would work out for you. I am not saying being like a rock and people thinking you cannot be hurt by anything. It is ok to cry once in a while let it out the release is worth it. We only do our best when we feel our best and woman or man rise up and be the best you can be.

We do not really need to find anyone better in actual fact we just need to be way better ourselves and in that way we attract the best companion. It is when satisfaction takes place that you realize all this time you have been searching when instead all you should have been doing was to wait and be content with yourself, who you are, where you are going and God is the foundation of all things first.


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