A Sense of Belonging
We all need to belong one way or the other, yes we spend most of our time trying to be strong and conquering the world but we need to belong somewhere. When traveling while i was still in high school during choir competitions we would always sit in groups, even in class and during break we were always in some sort of group with certain people back then when growing up it did not make sense. There were times when we would be upset with one another and yet end up going back to the same group despite the bad words that were sad in anger, and I come before you today and say that it makes sense today. I have felt out of place before and I know we all have an experience like that, where it does not matter where but just belonging anywhere somewhere with somebody. Its not just confusion and wanting to belong but its a desire and love for something that you feel is not being met to your satisfaction. I have seen relationships and organizations go sour because of settling for something that d...